The Stanifesto

The curious meme of "San Francisco Values"

The cover of Friday's Chronicle reported a flurry of comments from GOP leadership (among which I'm including O'Reilly) on "San Francisco Values". These three words are intended to scare voters into voting Republican, keeping SF Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi out of the Speaker position.

It's not the first time O'Reilly has expressed his unmitigated hate toward the city of San Francisco. Almost exactly a year ago, he told Al Qaeda, "You want to blow up Coit Tower? Go ahead." This time, his current rhetoric is more aimed at our gay pride parades, "pot shops", and mocking of Christianity.

I should know better than to assume anything O'Reilly says is rooted in reality, but assertions that San Francisco is some sort of secular playground is ridiculous. I've attended services at Glide with a Jewish friend and managed to make it to a Solstice or Beltane party every once in a while, too. Further, the Mission District is very Catholic and there are neighborhood celebrations around Confirmations or Baptisms every week.

So what exactly are "San Francisco Values"?

He's hitting on something with the gay pride parades. San Francisco definitely values diversity. The tremendous Chinese New Year Parade has been named one of the world's top ten parades. I loved going last year and seeing all the little kids dressed like puppies for the Year of the Dog. Last week's Dia de los Muertos celebration was a beautiful colored stone in the mosaic of cultures that is San Francisco.

The "pot shops" crack may be a crack at our hippie heritage and I'm pleased to say that the treehugger's have left a lasting legacy. San Francisco, Berkeley, and Oakland are all in the Top 20 greenest cities in the U.S. according to the Green Guide. Personally, I take one of the four excellent forms of mass transit San Francisco has (none of which use gasoline) to work every day.

One thing that Bill has left out, however, is San Francisco's value of innovation. I've long said that the DNA of San Francisco contains, across the board, the "I wonder what's West of here?" gene. That spirit of imagination and adventure has given the world some amazing things. Considering just the illustrious internet marvels, the Bay Area is home to Apple, Craigslist, Flickr, Google, Yahoo, and YouTube among many, many others. Let's not forget popsicles and fortune cookies!

One more invention that had its root in San Francisco that Bill O'Reilly may be especially thankful for and not even know it. On a foggy day in September, back in 1927, Philo T. Farnsworth brought to life a device without which the world would never come to know the No Spin Zone, the motherfucking television.

Diversity, sustainability, and innovation? Those are San Francisco values and Congress could sure use all of them.